Choose the right person when erecting a scaffold and you can lower the rate of accidents caused due to the structure collapsing. You can prevent such potential dangers by enhancing your knowledge about them. The structure should be properly erected, managed, and inspected regularly. Make sure that the supplier you have approached for hiring the structure follows a secured method of erection.

Two Common Methods Of Erecting Scaffolding In Chichester
Advanced System Of Guard Rail
The temporary units of guard rails are locked from a lower level and gradually move upwards to a platform level in this method. They are placed in such a way so that people working on the scaffolding can have access to the platform to fit the final guard rails.
3T (Through the Trap)
In this method, the worker takes up a position for working on the platform from where it becomes easier for them to remove or add components. It acts as a guard rail on top of the platform. The worker does not have to risk his life by standing on a platform without any guard.
Few Tips To Maintain Stability When Using Scaffold
• Rest the structure firmly on level ground.
• Properly support the base plates and locked castors.
• Don’t use building blocks or bricks to support the tower’s weight.
• If stated in the instruction manuals, install outriggers or stabilisers.
• The structure’s height should never be above the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Few Precautions To Follow When Using Scaffolds
• Every scaffold should comply with the standard set.
• The components necessary to ensure stability and prevent falls should arrive with the hired structure.
• All the parts of the structure should be in place to provide the necessary strength. Any left out section can make the structure collapse.

Inspecting Scaffolding In Chichester? Few Tips To Follow
• Inspect the structure both before and after it has been erected.
• Let competent and reliable workers carry out all inspections.
• If the working platform is 2 metres above the ground, inspect the structure at least once a week.
• If the inspection report is unsatisfactory, stop all work immediately.
• Record all inspection reports until the next inspection takes place.
To know more about scaffolding services, get in touch with the experts at AGR Scaffolding.