Erect a scaffold at your construction site, and you will get a temporary structure or platform from where you can work or support access. Often, builders and construction workers have to undertake projects they can’t complete by standing on a finished floor. A scaffolding system provides them with a safe and stable work platform.
You can make the most of the temporary structure you are erecting by choosing a reputable scaffolding company like AGR Scaffolding. They have an experienced team who know how to assemble individual components like tubes, couplers and frames to form a scaffold. They also ensure that a competent person inspects the structure after every adverse climatic condition.

Erect The Scaffold Properly
If you want to use the scaffold with complete peace of mind, hire a competent person for erecting, altering and dismantling it. Trying a DIY can compromise your safety. Experienced scaffolders know the right height at which they should erect the structure. When building a single-storey building, they create a working platform up to four metres high. The person undertaking the work should hold an appropriate certificate, training and license.
Ensure Scaffold Safety
It will be easier for you to ensure your scaffold safety if you know who is responsible for it. It is not only about the person erecting it but also those using the scaffold and others at the construction site should follow some work health and safety duties. Two professionals who are generally assigned the task to ensure scaffold safety and have to work under the law are scaffolding contractors and designers.

Dentify Potential Scaffold Hazards With The Tips Stated Below
• Survey the construction site properly, including the areas where scaffolding work was performed.
• Check the environment and condition of the ground where you are erecting the scaffold.
• Recognize the structure’s functional requirements like its dead loads, maximum height and access requirements.
• Examine the structure after erection, before use and after every adverse climatic condition.
• Workers should inform all the issues they have encountered at the workplace when working in the scaffold.
• All the required operation, repair, maintenance, transport, inspection and storage services of the structure should be checked.
It is time you get in touch with the experts at AGR Scaffolding and make your construction site safer with a scaffolding system.